Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Boonen still following the white line...

Boonen has been caught for this before...and now he's possibly ruined his career after winning the Roubaix this spring second year in a row. What an idiot! Come on man, there are plenty of other ways to get stupid without having to use drugs banned by the UCI and in this case also illegal. How about...booze, skydiving, high speed driving exercises, mushrooms, coffee, and tobacco?
Yes Boonen was caught using Pixie Dust again...Of all things being caught for non-performance enhancing drugs is probably better than being caught for performance enhancing ones. But it's not any smarter. Apparently Specialized/Quickstep is going to send him to "counseling" which is just a fancy word for celebrity rehab. So congrats Boonen, you're making Belgium Proud.


  1. Well well

    Today Wednesday I and a certain Mr. Einar will meet in a top-secret location in Skorradalur, so perhaps not a bad time to use the phone-thingy? Njes, the phone, that annoying thing that makes a ring-ring noise....

    Remember to use proper language if da pigs happen to be listening...

    We don´t want to sound rude or drunk.


  2. Phone...what is that? some kind of a torture device?


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