"Both ShoAir riders came into the Fontana even with races in their legs — Australian Taberlay won the U.S. Cup opener at nearby Bonnelli Park on March 1st, and Plaxton finished tenth at last weekend’s Continental Championships in Santiago, Chile. Both took turns attacking Kabush, but the cagey Canadian said he didn’t lose his cool.
“I was dealing with a bit of team tactics from the Sho Air guys but I felt pretty in control; I just wanted to ride a smart, smooth race, which is my trademark,” Kabush said."
We as Victorians and Canadian residents (at lest if not citizens...ehemm) should all be rooting for Geoff. Not only is he a superb bike rider, but he's freaking cool too, with his signature sideburns and eccentric taste in shoe and shade color options. Kabush sometimes races in a "Cross on the rock" race or two and usually tries to go for the beer price for the fastest first lap. I had the opportunity to see him race last fall, and it was inspiring and humbling at the same time. He's a super smooth racer with mad skills and a cool attitude, in that race he would ride the "unrideable hill" every time with a smile on his face. This was not for speed, but just to please the fans, which had a blast seeing him put that hill to shame. Nobody else rode that hill, allthough some did try which is worth applauding.Congrats Geoff and keep up the good work!