Thursday, January 22, 2009

Laser show on wheels

Yes, yes, I'm a commuter. Not only is that our biggest market but biking to work for me is not something done out of necessity, I do it because I love it. I rarely if ever, have a bad ride to or from work. This seems to be the case with most people that commute by bike, they do it for the exercise, some like it because it's environmentally friendly and others find that it is a great way to relief stress. But most of all, it's fun. Nevertheless, some people get intimidated by traffic when their riding on the streets of the city, especially on streets with no bike lanes. So why not ride around town with your own bike lane wherever you go? I Came across this gimmicky thing on Trek's Commuting Blog:
This concept product would use a laser to project a bike lane on the street behind your bike at night. Thus alerting drivers of your presence on the road, and hopefully give you a bit more space on the shoulder. And yes, that's right I said "laser." How cool would it be to have a laser on your bike?
Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation.
...On your bike. Sweet!

contrary to the picture I would recommend riding with a helmet and lights when riding at night. In spite of all their awesomeness, Lasers don't protect your noggin.

Dr. Evil: Okay no problem. Here's my second plan. Back in the 60's, I had a weather changing machine that was, in essence, a sophisticated heat beam which we called a "laser." Using these "lasers," we punch a hole in the protective layer around the Earth, which we scientists call the "Ozone Layer." Slowly but surely, ultraviolet rays would pour in, increasing the risk of skin cancer. That is unless the world pays us a hefty ransom

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