Tuesday, January 27, 2009

North Saanich Pump Track / 80's cinema

Well it's my first post... uhhh... ever, on any "blog". I'm not even really sure what a "blog" is. It sounds like it should be the name of the swamp in "The Princess Bride" where the R.O.U.S.'s live. (If you don't understand that reference then you haven't lived).

I thought I'd start by talking a little about the 'North Saanich Freeride Park'. The first Phase is open, a beginner pump-track. A few of us decided to check it out on Monday so we piled in to the truck and headed out. The very fact that this track exists is a very good sign for the future of bike parks on the south island. Municipalities are afraid of the unknown and this park will set a precedent for this kind of bike facility in our neck of the woods. It will make it easier for future bike-parks to be built, because land-managers will be able to see on paper that this sort of facility is viable. For this reason alone, the park deserves the support of all the riders, and parents of young riders, in the greater Victoria area.

Ok, so how is the track to ride? Advanced riders won't be entertained all day, but for beginners it will teach some excellent riding fundamentals. Pumping transitions and carrying speed through corners are two of the best parts of mountain-biking and This facility is excellent for learning these skills in a safe environment. As for us, we rode the track for an hour and a half or so, trying to make up new lines and avoid falling in the muddy part of one berm. (I failed at the latter). We had a great time playing in the sun on our bikes and all agreed that the track is an excellent starting point for the overall ambition for the park.

After having our fill of the track we returned to our respective domiciles for showers, then met for some beer, (and stair-decending races), at the S.IM.B.S agm. Good times.

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